Palworld: Understanding Work Speed and its Impact on Mining, Logging, and Transportation
In delving into the intricacies of Palworld, we’ve conducted extensive testing to demystify various mechanics, particularly those influenced by work speed. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of what work speed does and doesn’t affect:
What Work Speed Doesn’t Affect
1, Breeding: Breeding operates on a fixed 5-minute timer irrespective of work speed. However, dark Pals, exempt from sleep requirements, may produce more eggs. Breeding halts when the ranch reaches 20 eggs, if a Pal is unable to reach the ranch, or due to insufficient cakes.
2, Grazing: Affected by rank, work speed only accelerates egg-laying or milk/wool production animations, not the total yield. Each ranch accommodates up to 3 Pals; grazing-only Pals idle if space is inadequate.
3, Mining (Outside Stone Pit) and Logging (Outside Logging Site): The attack animation interval for destroying stone, ore, coal, sulphur, and quartz remains constant at roughly 2.9 seconds, unaffected by work speed or damage passives.
4, Transportation: Primarily influenced by movement speed, higher-level transportation increases stack sizes carried. However, resources typically drop in single stacks, irrespective of weight. Palworld Pals prioritize items based on proximity, occasionally halting other tasks to transport. Transport frequency is every few seconds.
What Work Speed Does Affect
1, Kindling
2, Watering
3, Planting
4, Electricity Generation
5, Harvesting
6, Handiwork (Building, Item Creation)
7, Logging (At Logging Site)
8, Mining (At Stone Pit)
9, Medicine Production
10, Cooling (Multiplying food rot time)
Additionally, work speed enhances the speed of related animations, offering amusing visual effects.
Other Mining/Logging Considerations
- Level 2 mining is required for ore, level 3 for coal/quartz.
- Various minerals sustain different damage per mining level.
- Digtoise and Astegon exhibit unique mining characteristics.
- Respawned trees may become indestructible to Pals; manual intervention is necessary.
General Notes
- Increasing work speed with souls or food applies multiplicatively.
- Hidden work speed increases apply at stone pits/logging sites.
- The monitoring stand boosts work speed and movement speed.
- Optimal mining setups may involve Anubis or Tombats.
- Transportation currently faces bugs, particularly with food fields.
- Handiwork Pals may encounter issues with repair kits.
- Ranch item capacity may trigger item despawning.
- Palworld mechanics are subject to early access changes.
In light of this, maximizing work speed passives is advisable for those aiming for high-ranking Pals, with considerations for specific tasks and potential bugs in current mechanics.
You can read this, know more about Palworld Pals Tier List quickly. Have a nice day.